For... ummm
Yay! Welcome! This page is FOR... YOU! Here we get to Share, Revelate, Elate, Relate, Participate, and Create. GREAT!
A Course of Love
Talk about A Course of Love's revelation to you. Share quotes. Create the New. Read at https://acourseoflove.org
All things pertaining to Christ. Jesus, Miracles, the Bible, etc... Open discussion but let's let "1 Cor. 13" guide.
1Conversations With God
Waslch's Conversation With God is ours too. Let's continue the discussion and be on Humanities Team. Co-create + Dream
A Poem is but a Gnome that Knows it is Known. For more awesome poEM^3 ... Read and Share your own. #NoJudgeJudy's
0Burning Man '18
Here we can discuss plans, visions, carpool, food, and fun for Burning Man '18. Invite All, and Let's Burn
This is where we can co-create tommorow. Share visions. Support dreamers. EXPRESS
1theology (the-ol-o-gy)
noun: the study of God and of God's relation to the world - Openly discuss thoughts about god, life, the universe, etc.
Here you can share prayer requests and the community can pray, send good vibes, and/or heal. #MiraclesAreNormal
Share how the site can evolve. Maybe your a developer and can add bitcoin mining! Or u found a misspeled word. THANKS~!