For... ummm
Yay! Welcome! This page is FOR... YOU! Here we get to Share, Revelate, Elate, Relate, Participate, and Create. GREAT!
A Course of Love
Talk about A Course of Love's revelation to you. Share quotes. Create the New. Read at
All things pertaining to Christ. Jesus, Miracles, the Bible, etc... Open discussion but let's let "1 Cor. 13" guide.
1Conversations With God
Waslch's Conversation With God is ours too. Let's continue the discussion and be on Humanities Team. Co-create + Dream
A Poem is but a Gnome that Knows it is Known. For more awesome poEM^3 ... Read and Share your own. #NoJudgeJudy's
0Burning Man '18
Here we can discuss plans, visions, carpool, food, and fun for Burning Man '18. Invite All, and Let's Burn
This is where we can co-create tommorow. Share visions. Support dreamers. EXPRESS
1theology (the-ol-o-gy)
noun: the study of God and of God's relation to the world - Openly discuss thoughts about god, life, the universe, etc.
Here you can share prayer requests and the community can pray, send good vibes, and/or heal. #MiraclesAreNormal
Share how the site can evolve. Maybe your a developer and can add bitcoin mining! Or u found a misspeled word. THANKS~!
- AdminJan 16, 2018WebpageCool Beans. Thanks for reviewing and checking out my site. Hopefully you enjoy it. I have found the best way to create is by creating. This, for me, means throwing paint and then recreating. What this will look like in a month will probably be totally different than it is now. But it is only in going forward that there can be any momentum at all. So hi! Things I need to do, Fix links, Add Free stuff music movies (maybe I'll add an option where you can add stuff too). Got some work to do but I'm liking how it's coming together) Would like to buy my own domain , and remove ads but I need money ... If you have that money stuff that could definitely help me on this next wave of creation... Domain is 120 for a year through wix. If you want to help create through finances I'd be stoked! If not I should be able to afford it in about a month or two. Paypal is I know it doesn't look like much but this site has taken me about 2 years lol. With months of existential searching in between of what it is to even share lol. But eventually Creation won out. So here I am allowing Creativity to cultivate a consciousness that curates after it's own kind. Delicious stuff. Just a lil more brewing and then your sight will align with faith. So much to add. Gonna use this as my "field notes" for my site... so... I want to add a prayer topic for the forum too. Cheers yall and any way you can help is appreciatedLike
- AdminJan 14, 2018VisionsAlright this is mostly a place for me to get my visions out there... They tend to evolve and move so quickly I can hardly keep up, yet it is this speed which is life. And so I allow the movement like rushing water to flow through me without hesitation, and more of an observance then force. As I do this I begin to see something, love gush forth and Jesus' prophecy is fulfilled. "Greater things than these will do." In fact this is one of them lol. He never even had a website... Loser... I Kid. And that is what we need more of. An air of lightness around this whole spirituality thing. When we are faced with ultimatums, eternal ones at that, creativity is stunted before it even had a chance to begin. This is like expecting a baby to walk by keeping it in it's stroller all the time and then getting upset (or to match the terror that this "god" purports, burning it alive). And yet the very atmosphere that was needed to support creation is simply love. Loving parents find beauty in the process. In fact the very act of the toddler trying to walk is probably the most beautiful thing to grace the earth. And so here, let us also scrape our knees, flap our wings, and maybe fall on our face. Yet soon it will be impossible to contain our glory and even the false judgemental idols we have called god will transform into unconditional love that would leave the 99 to go after the 1, (not cut it off before it ever had the opportunity to grow unto the greatest of trees). So Here I go... let's spill the milk. For We are the KINGS AND QUEENS OF PROMISE. (ps the milk was spoiled anyway)Like